Along with Terminator products for in and around the home there are also many other ways to reduce entry of bugs into your home. Here’s 10 other ways that will also help to bug proof your home.
10 – Seal your doors

Inspect your entrance doors and access points to your home carefully to see if there are any gaps that need sealing is a good place to start and more likely the easier way for crawling insects to make their way into your home.
9 – Repair worn screens or add Screens
Repairing or replacing screens is cost efficient and easy enough job to do, that goes a long way in keeping the bugs out whilst you enjoy natural ventilation during our hots and humid days of summer. Adding screens to your windows and doors is the most effective way to keeping bugs out of our home during Summer, when it’s the worst time of the year for mosquitoes, flies and other pests.
8 – Maintain your yard
Yard maintenance has long been the key for eliminating areas around your home that create great breeding ground for various flying and crawling pests. Remove potential breeding sites and tip out water from things like plastic containers, tarpaulins or buckets, keep trailers and bins covered, store water undercover or in a dry place and throw out any rubbish lying around like unused or empty containers, tyres and additional materials.
7 – Repair Cracks
As we know given the size of many bugs it’s not hard to understand how they can infiltrate your home through narrow gaps and cracks that you might not even notice. Inspect the exterior of your home and look for damaged or missing sections of siding or cracks in your foundations, loose or crumbling brick or rotten wood. Access the size and if something as small as a pencil can fit in these openings you’ll find it’s providing free access to a range of other crawling insects.
6 – Seal around Pipes and installation points
More than likely, there are utility pipe points into walls that deliver essential utilities into your home whether its for power, telephone or air conditioning cables. Check the exterior of your home for these openings as they may be located either at the ground level or along the roof line.
5 – Cover large openings
Large openings can be difficult to cover and are often found with roof vents or chimney flutes. Chimney caps or wire mesh can be installed over larger openings where ventilation is required.
4 – Don’t invite bugs to dinner
Just like us bugs need a source of food and water to survive. Keep food preparation areas clear and clean, store all foods in air tight containers, cover unsealed food products in the refrigerator. Wash dishes immediately after use and put pet food away after mealtimes. A cluttered home is an easy breeding ground for bugs.
3 – Store rubbish properly
To prevent bugs from feasting out on your rubbish, proper storage of rubbish and handling are critical. Only keep food waste in the kitchen and not in waste paper baskets throughout the home. Place rubbish in a bin with a lid and empty regularly as to not have you bin overflowing with rubbish popping the lid open. Bins used in the home should be sanitised regularly, especially if they are exposed to spills.
2 – Keep foundations clear
With your homes foundations being the closest part of the house to the ground, they are also one of the most common entry points for bugs. Keep moisture away from your foundations, keep piles of wood, leaves, mulch and grass clippings far enough away from the home to avoid tempting termites.
1 – Encourage natural predators
Often some of simplest methods can be relying on the insects natural predators for help. Small insects are the main source of food for larger number of birds. To encourage birds to help with your pest control efforts, it helps provide trees and bushes where they can establish nests. Add a fresh water supply, and change it often so that it doesn’t grow stagnant. Even adding a bird seed feeder will supplicant their insect based diet.